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Historic Preservation Staff Advisory Committee

  • Bruce Steadman, Acting Chairman
  • Randall Gabrielan, Monmouth County Representative
  • Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Kathy English, Eatontown Representative
  • Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
  • Edward O’Neill, College Educator
  • Ned Gaunt, Developer by Trade
  • Real Estate Professional – Open
  • Dorothy Guzzo, Advocacy Group Representative

Housing Staff Advisory Committee

  • Gina Fischetti, Chairwoman
  • Donna Blaze, Monmouth County Representative
  • Linda Zucaro, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Mayor Dennis Connelly, Eatontown Representative
  • Oceanport Representative – Open
  • College Educator – Open
  • Developer by Trade – Open
  • Paul Ceppi, Real Estate Professional
  • John Yaecker, Advocacy Group Representative

Veterans Staff Advisory Committee

  • Lillian Burry, Chairwoman
  • Mike Ruane, Monmouth County Representative
  • Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Joe Gugliuzza, Eatontown Representative
  • Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
  • Steve Curto, College Educator
  • Scott Havard, Developer by Trade
  • Harry Harrup, Real Estate Developer
  • Frank Cosentino, Advocacy Group Representative

Environmental Staff Advisory Committee

  • Kenneth J. Kloo, Chairman
  • Linda Range, Department of Environmental Protection, Case Manager
  • Jennifer DiLorenzo, Monmouth County Representative
  • Edward Dlugosz, Eatontown Representative
  • Richard Gruskos, Oceanport Representative
  • Jonathan Cohen, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Real Estate Professional – Open
  • Developer by Trade – Open
  • Barbara T. Reagor, Ph.D. – College Educator
  • Ben Forest, National Advocacy Group

Environmental Staff Advisory Committee Updates

December 14, 2016

Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee met on December 5th and discussed the following:

  • Summary of the Phase II financing and closing process, noting that the Army will continue to maintain an on-site presence as they work through the environmental carve-outs.
  • Discussion regarding Parcel 28, 38 and 69, which are all environmental carve-outs that have not been deeded to FMERA. The Army received No Further Action (NFA) determinations for all three sites from the NJ DEP and is currently drafting Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) reports for the sites.
  • Update on Parcel 68, related to a former dry-cleaning operation located along Avenue of Memories, where contaminants detected in on-site ground water exceed NJ DEP standards. The Committee discussed the remedial investigation begun by the Army, as well as techniques for remediation of both the plume and the source material.
  • Summary of the current water flushing system performed by the Army caretaker staff. A new water main design for the Phase II property will be submitted to NJ American Water in the coming weeks. Discussion of the plans for the new water main construction, as well as a brief summary of the planned sanitary sewer infrastructure upgrades.
  • Discussion regarding the Title V Operating Permit that will be transferred from the Army to FMERA upon the closing of the Phase II property. FMERA will work to reduce the equipment and facilities that currently are considered as emission sources. The Committee discussed the intention to be re-categorized as a minor facility.
  • Discussion regarding a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCCP) which exists for the Phase I property (both the Charles Wood Area and a portion of Parcel B). FMERA will update the existing plan to include the Phase II property within six months.
  • Discussion regarding the closure plans for the Phase I and II landfills. The Committee also discussed the abatement and demolition plans for the Myer Center in Tinton Falls.

November 2, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on October 3rd and discussed the following:

  • Discussion regarding FTMM-68, related to a former dry-cleaning operation located along Avenue of Memories, at which contaminants detected in on-site ground water exceed NJ DEP standards. The Army has installed two new monitoring wells to help determine the limits of a groundwater plume, with sampling expected to begin later in October. The Committee discussed techniques for addressing the contamination.
  • Summary of the planned redevelopment of Parcels C and C1 by Lennar Corporation. As part of the environmental due diligence process for Parcel C1, Lennar engaged a consultant to perform a radiological study of the former lab area in Tinton Falls. Previously, the Army and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) deemed that the site required No Further Action (NFA) and deemed it acceptable for unrestricted use. The consultant’s study confirmed the results of the NRC report, and revealed no areas of concern.
  • Discussion on the current system of water distribution for the Phase II properties of the Fort. FMERA is actively pursuing a water main extension that, in its first phase, will serve the Historic District and current contracted purchasers. FMERA staff described a plan submitted to the NJ DEP to provide drinking water to occupants of Phase II buildings in the interim. The Committee discussed the current system and water main work currently underway on Oceanport Avenue, as well as the plan for fire suppression and hydrant service.
  • Update on discussions related to the opening of the Avenue of Memories, and the concerns of the County and DEP relating to the over-population of deer in the Eatontown and Oceanport Reuse Areas. Discussions with the County, DEP, the Army and the U.S. Department of Agriculture continue.
  • Discussion regarding the closing with the Army on the Phase II property. The final Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) for Phase II has been posted to the Army’s website.

September 21, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month.

August 17, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on August 8th and discussed the following:

  • Update on the status of the Phase II Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST). One outstanding issue has been resolved: Parcel 53 will now be considered a carve-out due to elevated concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the FOST will be updated to reflect that change. It should be noted that the compilation of Army research provided by FMERA staff positioned the argument to keep Parcel 53 a carve-out and the Army responded positively. The Committee discussed the next steps the Army will take to transfer the parcel.
  • Discussion regarding the acreage of the total Phase II property that will be considered environmental carve-outs, as well as the acreage transferred under separate deed, which includes two federal credit union properties. FMERA staff will prepare an analysis of the total number of carve-outs in each municipality.
  • Discussion regarding the groundwater sampling results for Parcel 68, a former dry-cleaning operation which is located along Avenue of Memories, just west of the FMERA offices. Contaminants detected in on-site ground water exceed DEP standards, and Army test results indicate more sampling should be performed to determine the full extent of the groundwater contamination. The Committee also discussed the process for identifying Army priorities related to environmental carve-outs.
  • Discussion regarding the plans to convey an approximately 10-acre parcel to Monmouth County for the County’s Motor Pool and staff noted that the County has already performed several improvements to the property under the existing lease. FMERA staff described the carve-outs on the site and the ongoing work to be completed by the Army. The transfer to the County will occur in stages, with an initial conveyance of the property and a lease of the carve-out sites for the County to continue occupying the entire site.
  • FMERA staff noted that FMERA is awaiting a schedule from the Army for the asbestos abatement work at several Phase II buildings. The Army contractor is currently on site to begin planning for the work, which includes both encapsulation and abatement of identified friable asbestos. The Army plans to complete the work prior to the transfer of Phase II to FMERA.
  • Update on the status of negotiations of the Howard Commons site, related to additional environmental and engineering due diligence performed by the leading proposer. The Committee discussed flood hazard area designations and construction techniques, and the impact to the number of available residential parcels due to setbacks from wetlands and the flood plain.

July 20, 2016

Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee did not meet this month. The Committee is scheduled to meet on August 8th.

June 15, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on June 6th and discussed the following:

  • Update on the Mandatory Conceptual Review (MCR) received from TetherView Property Management, LLC for the Russel Hall project. The Environmental Features Checklist provided by the applicant demonstrates that the project does not impact any environmental features identified in the Natural Resources Inventory, therefore, no further action is required by the Committee.
  • Summary of the sampling performed at Parcel 82 which has been identified as a carve-out due to contamination of soil with PCBs; however, the DEP Case Manager noted that the DEP has received no information from the Army concerning known polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination at this parcel. DEP will review the Army’s action plan for the carve-out, and will pursue a follow-up from the Army should PAHs not be addressed. The Committee discussed the Army’s response to this parcel and others with PAHs in the sample findings.
  • The DEP Case Manager briefly described the DEP’s comments to the Phase II Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), which was posted for public comment until May 31, 2016.
  • Discussion regarding the Army’s delineation efforts related to the Charles Wood Area landfill, FTMM-25. The DEP had previously requested the Army further investigate and address debris found to the north and east of the historical landfill boundaries. The Army has advised the DEP they will excavate all debris as well as a minimum of 1 foot of the underlying soil. The DEP Case Manager noted that the DEP has received and completed the review of the RI/FS report for the FTMM-08 landfill.
  • Update of the status of the Phase I and Phase II utility infrastructure conveyance, upgrades and improvements. The Committee discussed plans to reuse existing infrastructure where feasible, and the timeline for improvements to systems requiring upgrades.
  • Update on the current Requests for Offers to Purchase (RFOTPs), including the Charles Wood Fire Station in Tinton Falls and the Squier Hall Complex in Oceanport.

May 18, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on May 2nd and discussed the following:

  • Update on the Phase 2 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) approved at FMERA’s April Board meeting, and a description of the process for the transfer of the Phase 2 properties and the subsequent transfer of environmental carve-out parcels. FMERA staff then provided a summary of the changes to the Phase 2 environmental carve-outs, which will not be transferred until further investigations by the Army are completed. The Committee discussed the former uses of each of these sites, and the potential future use.
  • Discussion on the investigation of Parcel 53, which is still under consideration to be a carve-out, and Parcel 98, which is within a larger environmental carve-out. FMERA staff will work with Army to address concerns raised by sampling results at each of these sites. The Committee discussed the future use for both of these sites, strategies for addressing the contamination in concert with future redevelopment and the potential need for deed restrictions.
  • Update on the status of the Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study (RFS) for the eight landfills on the Main Post. The DEP Case Manager noted that DEP expects to receive the one outstanding RFS, for FTMM-08, in the coming days. FMERA staff described the changes in delineation of several landfills based on efforts by the Army in 2015, and the Committee discussed the implications of these changes on the Army’s site work at each landfill. The Committee also discussed methane testing at the landfills and DEP recommendations for further testing. Update: The RFS report for landfill FTMM-08 was received by the DEP on May 3rd and was prioritized for review above all others. The DEP anticipates that this RFS report will also be generally consistent with Army’s methodology for remediation and closure that was previously discussed.
  • Discussion regarding the Army’s agreement to perform asbestos abatement in several Phase 2 buildings intended for reuse. This work should be completed prior to transfer.
  • Update on parcels currently under negotiation that are affected by environmental carve-outs or further Army remediation.
  • The Army closed a U.S. Geological Survey well located on the Main Post, with support from the DEP.

April 20, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month.

March 16, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on March 7th and discussed the following:

  • Discussion regarding the former Child Development Center and its associated parcel in Tinton Falls, which is currently under contract with Trinity Hall. The Committee discussed the Environmental Features checklist as submitted by the purchaser, as well as traffic impacts. As the checklist accompanying the Mandatory Conceptual Review submitted by the purchaser demonstrates the project does not detrimentally impact environmental features, no further action by the Committee is required.
  • Discussion regarding the status of negotiations related to the Army’s position on poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the Army’s ongoing delineation of same. DEP representatives provided an explanation of the difference in discharges covered by the Army’s obligations pursuant to the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and those not covered by CERCLA or State law. The Committee discussed the implications of this topic for Parcel 49, which is located in the Squier Hall Complex in Oceanport, as well as for Parcel 53, a currently unimproved parcel in Eatontown.
  • Discussion regarding the current status of negotiations with the Army in relation to a plan for closure and conveyance of the landfills in the Phase 2 property. For discussion purposes, DEP representatives described the conditions of two landfills adjacent to the Squier Hall Complex, and explained the on-going remediation responsibilities for the current and future owners of the property. The Committee discussed the treatment of the landfills in the negotiated Memorandum of Agreement for the conveyance of the Phase 2 property.

February 17, 2016

Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee did not meet this month.

January 20, 2016

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on January 11th and discussed the following:

  • Summary of Building 2525 parcel including the potential location of a former gas station on the site, historic fill and the adjacent stream.
  • Discussion regarding the format and issuance of No Further Action letters by the NJ DEP, as well as documentation provided by the DEP when no further remediation is required because contamination detected is not associated with a discharge.
  • Description of redevelopment issues at the former Commissary, including the delineation of contamination at the site by the Army, and ongoing investigations.
  • Discussion regarding the remaining issues involved in negotiations with the Army related to the transfer of the Phase 2 property. These included detections of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, and remediation of same at specific parcels and throughout the Fort, landfill ownership and responsibility for long-term maintenance and monitoring, and the ability to secure No Further Action determinations from the DEP prior to transfer of the Phase 2 properties.