Fort Monmouth | Discover ⏵ Innovate ⏵ Transform


Existing Conditions Technical Memoranda
Economic Development Conveyance Information

Phase 1
On June 25, 2012, Army and the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) executed an Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) Agreement for the Conveyance of Phase 1 Parcels at Fort Monmouth.

Phase 2
On October 25, 2016, Army and FMERA executed an EDC Agreement for the Conveyance of Phase 2 Parcels at Fort Monmouth, as well as an Amendment to the Phase 1 EDC Agreement.

Additional Information

Environmental Information

Infrastructure Information

The Final Report and supporting data are available for public viewing at the FMERA offices, or a CD can be sent to you. Please call 732-720-6350 to make arrangements.

Historic District Information

Miscellaneous Reports