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Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) Finalizes Transfer of Charles Wood Electrical Infrastructure

On January 24, 2019, the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) closed with Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) on the former Army electrical system which supports the Charles Wood section of Fort Monmouth. Prior to this closing, both the Army and FMERA purchased offsite high-voltage power from JCP&L, which was then converted and distributed onsite via the former Army system. JCP&L will now directly serve the Charles Wood community and will ensure that both present and future users have the capacity necessary to continue to support the growing development.

“Completing the transfer of ownership for the Charles Wood substation to JCP&L opens the door for bringing the legacy Army electrical system into the future,” said FMERA Interim Board Chairman Dr. Robert Lucky. “This is a huge step for the long-term health and vitality of the Fort’s infrastructure. Our sincere thanks to the JCP&L leadership for their vision, assertiveness, and determination to see this through.”

As part of the sale to JCP&L, FMERA transferred the metering and distribution substations, 13 miles of electrical wire and conduit, over 100 utility poles, and 30 transformers. As part of their post-closing due diligence, JCP&L anticipates completing repair and maintenance work over the next few months to improve service lines and upgrade electrical infrastructure.